I would like to get more Easter Egger hens that lay olive green eggs. I miss them. But for now I will be content with the blue eggs. They look nice in the carton nestled in the with the different shades of brown eggs.
We have thirteen hens, at the time I am writing this: four yellow Buff orpingtons and Buff -Barred Plymouth Rock mixes (not sure which are which), three black with yellow necked buff-and-what-I-think-were-Black-Sex-link chicken mixes, two Black Australope hens, two Barred Plymouth Rocks, and the two earlier mentioned Ameraucana hens. Oh, and a Ameraucana Rooster, my uncle's daughter gave us after a hawk killed our old one. (she had an extra rooster)
All of our hens are under two years old and right now I'm picking close to a dozen eggs a day. (about nine or ten, sometimes eleven, a day) and thinking we need to start looking for more people to buy our yard eggs. Right now we only have my Aunt and a woman she knows. Mom's talking about making and wearing a shirt that reads: 'Ask me about yard eggs'. That should prove interesting. She'll do it, too you know.
Thank you for reading Bats Bizarre's official blog. Have a bat-tastic day!
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