Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The purple egg

   There was a surprise waiting for us this morning when we went to give the youngsters some kale. An egg was sitting in the back of Handful's cage. (still haven't put up the new chicken house. Sorry girls!)
   Handful has at the tender age of four months and eleven days old, laid her first egg. And it's purple! Very pale, but still purple! I guess we should have seen it coming, her mother is an Australorp (Ally or Lea I'm not sure which), both lay rose colored eggs and her father is Abe an Ameraucana, they lay blue eggs. But it's still cool!

Here it is in a carton with several others including an Ameraucana. 

There won't be a blog post on Thrusday. I'm having a VERY busy week. I'm sorry if this inconveniences anyone. I'll try to write one on Friday. But it might be Saturday.

Thank you for reading Bats Bizarre's offical blog. Have a bat-tastic day!

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