Thursday, May 9, 2013


 I've started taking my product listing pictures outside. I used to take them on an end table in the living room (the only place in the house that gets direct sun for any amount of time), but thanks to the trees leafing out, that amount of time is so short it's barely calculable. Without di
rect sunlight colors tend to be off and metal, and sometimes fabric, items are either too dark to make out or they reflect the camera flash so badly you can't make out any details.

 After a several bad quality photos I would often get frustrated and take pictures of the item in my hand while I stood out in the yard away from the trees. Hence the calla lily earrings' product picture.

  The other day I thought to myself, 'This is stupid. Why don't I start out outside?' And from there it kind of snowballed into me using garden plants as a backdrop instead of the scrap fabric I usually use. I didn't have any new items to try this plan on, but I did have a few pieces who's photos where pretty bad.
  You couldn't really make out my Chain Earrings. The Red Scorpio choker's pictures showed it in two different shades of red. And the main photo of my Sleet Earrings was horribly blurry. So, I decided to try it out on them. It worked out pretty well once I figured out that you need
a somewhat solid background to really show off the items. I'm probably going to take all my photo's out side from now on. Plus it's fun to be outside! Lobo enjoyed it as well.

                  Thank you for reading Bats Bizarre's official blog. Have a bat-tastic day!


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